At its core, Union Fusion is a Contact Management Solution, managing people, companies, their relationship to one another, and a thousand things related to each. Our profile views for people and companies are designed to show you most of what you need to know about the person or company in focus. Our proprietary profile menu icon gives you access to everything else! In addition to all of the information you can store against a person's profile, you can also drag and drop documents to the person's profile for easy storage and future access.
Tracking Information on People
Tracking Information on Companies
- Comprehensive tracking of person and related demographics with multiple profiles
- Addresses, Phone Numbers, Email Addresses
- Employment History, Hours, No Rehire Requests, Work Reports (OJT for students)
- National ID Number, DOL Number, SSN, Drivers License #
- Related Financials (orders, payments, saved payment methods, automated payments); Quickbooks Integration
- Membership and dues Enrollments
- Job Classification and Current Status
- Events Registrations
- Communication Settings
- Infinite Notes and Inline Documents
- Projects
- Out of Work List Activity
Tracking Information on Companies
- Comprehensive tracking of company and related demographics with multiple profiles
- Addresses, Phone Numbers, Email Addresses, Address Verification
- Employment History, Hours, No Rehire Requests
- National ID Number, Company Number
- Related Financials (orders, payments, saved payment methods, automated payments); Quickbooks Integration
- Communication Settings
- Infinite Notes and Inline Documents
- Projects, Organizing, Bids, Compliance
- Grievances, charges and inspections
- Out of Work List Activity